

  1. 学生教务处提供什么服务?
  2. 如果我被指控违反行为准则,我有什么权利?
  3. 我如何检查/充值我的Acebucks?
  4. 我如何从大学退学?
  5. 我要怎么报名参加Harlaxton?
  6. 我要翘课了. 我如何收到正式的请假证明?
  7. 如果我的新冠病毒检测呈阳性怎么办?
  8. 如果我被留校察看怎么办?
  9. My friend is having a really hard time and I have noticed changes in their behavior (mood, 的饮食习惯, 上课, 等.). 我很担心他们. 我能帮什么忙??
  10. 如果在校外发生了涉及UE学生的事件, 可以根据学生行为准则提出指控吗?
  11. What do I do if I am ill or have a family emergency during the semester and may miss several classes and/or deadlines?
  12. 如果我和教授有矛盾,我该怎么办?
  13. 如果我是偏见的受害者,我应该向谁倾诉?
  14. 如果我有室友或住房问题,我该找谁?


  1. My student is in the hospital and cannot communicate with professors, what should I do?
  2. I am worried about my student (academics, social, emotional well-being, 等.),我不知道该如何帮忙. 你们公司能为我做些什么?
  3. 我收到一个通知,说我的学生收到了紫邮. 这是什么意思??



在许多事情中, 我们的办公室是一个表达你作为学生的担忧和担忧的地方, a place to help you get on the right path as you make mistakes throughout your college experience, and a place to help you connect with your faculty when life may get in the way of classes.


As Outlined in Section 5 of the 学生手册, due process is as follows:

  1. 正当程序

    1. Alleged violators, in accordance with due process, will have the following rights:

      (2) The right to have charges against one given in writing 72 hours prior to the hearing, 哪些将由发起代理声明证明
      (5) The right to appeal the decision of that hearing to a higher level
      (6)涉嫌性行为不端, please refer to the Sexual Misconduct Section of this handbook for both procedure and due process information


While our office does not handle Meal Plans, more information can be found at 计划变更,检查余额,增加王牌.


以完成您的提款请求, 你需要联系学术服务办公室. 要提出此要求,请发电子邮件 academicservices@66artfactory.com.

请注意,你是 要求 to consult with 学生财务服务 (812-488-2364) and Academic Services (812-488-2895) before 撤回.


  • Counseling Center (812-488-2663) during business hours or after hours for an on-call counselor by calling 公共安全 (812-488-6911)
  • 职业发展中心(812-488-1083)
Please do not hesitate to contact the 教务长 Office if you need our assistance with this starting this process or connecting you to these services.

While our office does not process Harlaxton requests, you can find more information on the Harlaxton网站.

我要翘课了. 我如何收到正式的请假证明?
请浏览我们的 请假信息.
If you test positive, you will need to isolate for 5-10 days after the start date of your symptoms. 10天内与他人接触时需要佩戴口罩. 通知你的密切接触者是你的责任. 你必须填妥 COVID-19报告表 尽快. Students are responsible for contacting their faculty to inform them of their situation and their last day in isolation (the reporting form includes a calculator that will tell you your last day of isolation). 如果您有任何问题,请访问 UE的COVID网站 或联络我们的办事处.

有关学术缓刑的信息可以在 学术标准 页面. If you have any further questions, please reach out to Academic Services.

My friend is having a really hard time and I have noticed changes in their behavior (mood, 的饮食习惯, 上课, 等.). 我很担心他们. 我能帮什么忙??

如果你关心一个朋友, 你可以在校园里找到一些资源,包括 居住生活,学生办公室主任,以及 咨询服务. In fact, talking about your concerns with 咨询服务 can be one of the best ways to help! Counselors can send anonymous outreaches on your behalf to your friends/peers/roommates to introduce them to services and offer a chance to meet with one of the counselors. At the same time, you will also be able to access the support and services offered by the counselors.

If you would like to learn more about how to have tough conversations with your friends and family about mental health concerns, 心理健康急救 价格合理吗?, 1-day program that teaches skills and language to support someone during difficult moments in life. Much like First 援助 teaches how to provide care and support in a physical emergency, 心理健康急救 equips you with the tools to feel calm and confident when addressing mental health concerns and crises.

如果在校外发生了涉及UE学生的事件, 可以根据学生行为准则提出指控吗?


What do I do if I am ill or have a family emergency during the semester and may miss several classes and/or deadlines?

We always recommend working with faculty first and foremost for excused absences. University policy allows our office to issue official excused absences for significant medical or personal reasons, 比如一个学生的紧急住院治疗, 葬礼, 陪审员的义务, 或者某些涉及直系亲属的紧急情况. If you think your absences may prevent you from completing the semester, 你可能需要考虑放弃一门课程, 撤回, 或者请病假. If you are contemplating these options, we recommend having a discussion with your 学术顾问.


First, make sure that you have tried to work things out with your professor. 如果这不是一个选择, the next step is to contact the chair of the department and your SGA ombudsperson. 如果在这些谈话之后你不满意, 你也许该提出学业申诉, 哪个是和学术事务一起处理的.


此信息可在 学生手册. 特别是第7条. If you have further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our office.


居住生活通常处理室友和住房问题. 更多信息可在 与室友同住.


My student is in the hospital and cannot communicate with professors, what should I do?

威廉希尔中文网的办公室,并提供尽可能多的信息. We will be able to excuse their absence and notify their faculty on their behalf.

I am worried about my student (academics, social, emotional well-being, 等.),我不知道该如何帮忙. 你们公司能为我做些什么?

在这种情况下,我们有几个选择. 如果你的学生住在校园里,情况很严重, 我们可以做健康检查, where we send a 公共安全 Officer to visit their room and make sure everything is okay. 如果不是紧急情况, we can create a Purple Post which notifies all applicable offices/faculty members to reach out and offer support. Our office specifically can reach out and invite a student to a meeting with the dean or speak to family members about resources and advice they can pass along to their students.

我收到一个通知,说我的学生收到了紫邮. 这是什么意思??

Purple Posts are managed by Academic Services, and more information can be found at the 紫色帖子页面.