





Initially, I chose UE DPT because they offered a Direct Entry option. I was attracted to the idea that I was able to complete my undergraduate degree at UE and already have a spot in the DPT program as long as I remained in compliance with the requirements. 在参观了UE并研究了更多之后, 我决定选择UE,因为我也喜欢这个校园, had the opportunities to join a sorority and be involved in multiple student organizations (including Ace CARE), and learn from some of the most genuine and intelligent professors.


I love all of the orthopedic classes, but my favorite was the first year ortho class. I remember it being the first class that made me feel like a “real PT”. 确定, we had plenty of other classes that were important in shaping us to be well rounded physical therapists, 但在这堂课上,我们要学习手工疗法, 实践触诊, 学习特殊测试, 在实践中运用批判性思维, 在干预方面要有创意.

How is PT school different from your undergraduate education?

In my opinion, the intensity of the curriculum is the biggest difference. 的本科毕业生, 有一段时间叫做"教学大纲周", 但这在体育学校并不常见. 通常, the professors will go over the syllabus at the beginning of the first day of class and then jump right in to the content! 除了, 的本科毕业生, 我们被要求上一些课, 但这并不一定适用于我们的领域. 在PT学校, even if a class does not exactly feel like 它是 directly related to physical therapy, 它是! 因此, 它是 important to internalize the content of all your classes because it will come up again later and the information will need to be all tied together.

What do you see as the strengths of the UE 物理治疗 Program?

One thing that makes this program so great is that the professors are so knowledgeable and are trailblazers in the PT world. Many of our professors have conducted countless research studies (of which they typically ask for student assistance), 创建功能移动屏幕, 并在各种会议上展示信息. 好像这还不够了不起似的, 它是 also noteworthy that our professors are very humble and that they don't act like they know everything, 就像他们不希望我们知道一切一样. 事实上, they encourage us to feel comfortable making mistakes and to make every experience a learning opportunity. Finally, one of my favorite strengths about the UE DPT Program is that we are all a family. Our professors are very approachable, accommodating, and compassionate. 不止一次, professors brought in cookies for classes during a stressful week, 获得梦寐以求的工作/实习, 让我们笑到哭, and were there for encouraging words during times of uncertainty. udpt是独一无二的.

What has contributed to your academic success in the program?

I would not have been successful in this program if it were not for my support system. My parents kept me relatively calm and reassured me that everything would be okay when I was struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My best friend and boyfriend were two of my biggest cheerleaders and would help me escape from the stress that is graduate school. 最后,我的同伴是一个关键的贡献者. 我们互相帮助学习, we practiced being each others' patients for practicals, we celebrated the highs and helped each other get through the lows. 最重要的是, we made sure to have A LOT of fun outside of class.

What advice do you have for high school students who are right now selecting a university for Pre-PT?

选择问题! 这所大学不仅会扩展你的知识, 但你也会建立持久的关系, 促进个人成长和发展, and have countless opportunities to make a difference on campus and in the Evansville community. 好好利用这个校园里的机会, 参与组织活动, 走出你的舒适区! 最重要的是, don't wish time away; live in the present and enjoy every experience that presents itself. I have loved being a Purple Ace, and I think you will too.

What advice do you give to incoming PT students, starting this summer?

做好努力工作的准备! It is important to get good grades, but 它是 also important to have fun!! 休息一下,和你的朋友出去逛逛, go out with your cohort to celebrate an exam being over, 看几集Netflix, 去健身房, 或者做任何能帮你逃脱的事. 除了, start off feeling comfortable with making mistakes and understand that UE DPT does not expect you to be perfect; just do your best! 最后,享受每一天. It is so easy to count down the days until the semester is over or until graduation. PT school is really hard and at times you will want it to just be over, 但我劝你不要希望时间流逝. It isn't until you are sitting in your last class that you suddenly realize how much you will miss your professors and their quirks, how much you will miss studying with some of your best friends, and how much you will miss the learning about the profession you love.


我接受了康复中心的工作 & 表演研究所的下一位骨科住院医师!!! I can’t wait to get involved in the Owensboro community and to improve my knowledge/skills from a fantastic group of people!! 除了, I still get to collaborate with UE DPT and assist with some of the classes! I can't wait to see what this next chapter has in store.